Friday, December 5, 2008

Ahh more bad titles.

Anyway I've been researching the use of online books and ereading services and devices, and came across a nice blog that is keeping tabs on the very subject. I'm currently supposed to be looking into Overdrive for our library but thought I better do some research first to get some actual user feedback form those in the know more than me about it category.

In this review at Teleread they reviewed Overdrive and Fictionwise e-lending libraries which you can read about here. It goes through the pros and cons of both systems and the experience a user has with each when browsing, borrowing and returning titles. Props of course go the wonderful convenience of being able to quickly access hundreds of titles quickly and relatively easy, but slops go to the DRM system that is not yet fully compatible with every ones mobile readers, at least for the moment.

Still, it is definitely an area of lending that all libraries consider as society moves further into portable digital technology.

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