Friday, March 13, 2009

Have you hugged a luddite today?

With all the new fangle dangle tech tools that are amusing and bemusing the denziens of the globe, its a fair thing to say that not all are happy to embrace the race to a digitally delightful utopia. I see it within my family, my friends, at work, even on the streets in the eyes of children. and it seems I'm not alone in my observations, as guest author on Tame the Web Blog Mick Jacobsen elaborates upon in his post "love thy Luddite"

I'm sure that whilst some of us are extremly enthusiastic to join the emerging technology typhoon that never seems to be ending, others seem content to see the weather out, rather than get swept away. So maybe we should think about why they are ducking for cover everytime a new tecnological tool comes to the fore. I myself have noticed such tendancies when confronted with technology that has the potential to radically alter the way in which I see myself interacting with the world. So next time someone balks at your offer to show them a new technology they could use to enhance their lives, rather refute such a view, try to understand why it does not compute with them.

1 comment:

The RA Vault said...

Hi Keith,

This was a timely read for me as yesterday I had a lady visit the library who told me that "computers had made life a lot more difficult". I thought it was a sad point of view and had to bite my tongue.
